Renato de Leon
Renato de Leon is the pen name for this 19-year-old Mexican-American writer based and studying in Houston, Texas. Despite his first year of college putting his writing on hold, Renato plans to return with fresh ideas and a hungry ambition. Reflecting influences from his diverse Houstonian community, Mexican heritage, lived experiences, and favorite authors, Renato wants to write stories, poems, and essays that explore the seemingly complex yet pretentiously dramatic realities of growing up, navigating relationships, and discovering identity. When not writing or studying, Renato enjoys reading (although he’s slow at it), listening to music, streaming shows, going out with friends, collecting vinyls, or eating. Keep up with Renato on Instagram @renato_dls_desk .

A magazine for teen writers—by teen writers. Under the Madness brings together student editors from across New Hampshire under the mentorship of the state poet laureate to focus on the experiences of teens from around the world. Whether you live in Berlin, NH, or Berlin, Germany—whether you wake up every day in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North or South America—we’re interested in reading you!