I spied a little creature
and it spied me back,
eight times.
I spied a little creature
and I do not trust that it is safe.
It doesn’t trust me either.
Which is fair.
Who is that? I asked the faceless voice
(who watches like a lighthouse, never sleeping)
and it offered me colors and patterns and shapes to consider,
none of which fit this creature’s hide.
I spied a little creature and I wonder
what does it spy with those eight terrible eyes?
Eyes like a giant, a blank stare
that could never reach a gnat like me.
Moses Fisher is a nineteen-year-old student at Keene State College, studying Secondary Education and English. Moses lives at home in Marlborough, New Hampshire, USA, and is very excited to see his work published for the first time. He intends to let the fame go to his head, but only for a short while before retiring into obscurity with his pet lizard, Eddie.